Everybody and their dinosaur has a website these days. I think this dinosaur is stolen from cowsay, but mine has a larger hat. I don't know, a decade later I still keep making minimal changes to this website and I'm not even sure what its real purpose is. Feel free to email me, see the link at the bottom.
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In the meantime, there are some links to things I'm responsible for:
Old stuff:
PGP key: The key ID for my current key is 0x9F1806684444CD8F. You can get it from this file or your preferred keyserver. If you use the commandline gpg util, the syntax is gpg --recv-keys 0x9F1806684444CD8F. It is a 4096 bit RSA key.
Contact: Send me an electronic mail (sounds weird when you say the whole name, right?). If you don't like email, we can negotiate something else for future communication, but everybody has an email address so this is the easiest way to get in touch.
Note: This domain is also used by other people, mostly for mail.