First, put the script somewhere in your home directory, e.g. ~/bin/cron-feeds. Then, edit it using your favourite text editor. You will probably need to change the following variables: base = home + "/lib/feeds/" # directory, where the state is being stored renderc= "/usr/local/bin/elinks -dump /dev/stdin" # in case elinks is located elsewhere mbox = mailbox.Maildir(home + "/.Maildir/.feeds") # to point to the right Maildir. Next, create the base directory: mkdir -p ~/lib/feeds/ Then, put some feeds into the feeds-file: $EDITOR ~/lib/feeds/feeds Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored. Other lines should be URLs to Newsfeeds in either RSS or Atom format. Finally, run it in cron: Run crontab -e and put something like this at the bottom: */20 * * * * ~/bin/cron-feed