" temporary vimrc I used on a Win7 system. Might be useful for copy&paste set nobackup nocompatible " nocompatible = Kompatibilitaet mit uralt-vi abschalten set nu syn on set colorcolumn=80 set digraph " Umlaute mit englischem Tastaturlayout eingeben... if has('gui_running') set guifont=Consolas:h11 set guicursor=a:blinkon0 colorscheme wombat256mod noremap 1gt noremap 2gt noremap 3gt noremap 4gt noremap 5gt noremap 6gt noremap 7gt noremap 8gt noremap 9gt noremap 10gt noremap gT noremap gt noremap :tabe noremap :bdel au BufAdd,BufNewFile * nested tab sball " open everything as tabs set guioptions-=T " get rid of that nasty toolbar endif